
Homeschool Life

Both my husband and I are home-school graduates, and we felt strongly God's call to educate our children at home. I will try to gather my home-school posts and other useful links here.

We'd be honored if you followed us:

Curriculum Reviews:

My Own:
No free product was received from the companies, these are just my personal responses to products I loved. 

Reviews For the CREW:

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.


Welcome to the launch of a new weekly series,

Adventures Fridays: when learning hits the road!

For the next several Fridays, for as long as I have material to cover, we will be exploring one of my favorite aspects of homeschooling. . . the flexibility to take it with you, and to bring your kids the world. Why Fridays? We schedule our school week so Friday is our day for wiggle room. If all goes well it's a day of adventure and field trips. If it's a bad week, it's a make up day.

Over the past several years of homeschooling, we have had the opportunity to see and visit many wonderful places. Sometimes this means being able to go along on daddy's work trip without missing any school, taking in a major city while visiting family for a wedding, or just taking a day off to be a tourist in our own town. Either way, this is the best part of this education we share, the flexibility to go and do like no one else. The hardest part is the budget, so I'm going to endeavor to share low or no cost adventures in a variety of cities.

Want to come along? Great! Meet us here every Friday! My friends and I will be sharing our adventures here. Have a low cost adventure in your favorite city to share? Contact me (via the tab above) with your idea, and we'd love to host you! I'm always looking for guest authors. Please submit your idea for a, yet unpublished, piece, and I will get the details to you about scheduling.

Finally, we on the final Friday of each month, we will host a link up. You can share any blog post you've written about a field trip in  the past year. I only ask:

  • That it be low or no cost, and homeschool family friendly.
  • That you include the community graphic (Adventure Fridays Button seen on the right) in your post.
  • And that you title your link with the City/Region name so we can quickly find your post when we want to visit that place!

Check out Supercharged Science: I'm proud to be an affiliate. 

2011-2012 school year

School Assignments
Fastnacht Day - our Donut experiment
Homeschool Working Lunch (just for fun, photo post)
Daddy Dates
Literacy Awareness and Dr. Seuss's Birthday
School Endings and Beginnings

2012-2013 School Year

4H Fun at the Fair
Getting Ready for School
Back at the Books, 4 students this year!
The First Dusting of Snow
A Trip to Asia!
A Buggy Blog Post
O is for Ocean (on a Scrapbook page, DIY)
Trip to the Denver Art  Museum and Van Gogh
Hanukkah Party
Christmas 2012
2012 by the Numbers
Field Trips in 2012
Ice Fishing Field Trip
Homeschool Snow Days
3 Thrifty Day Trips for Homeschoolers


Blog Cruises:

Photobucket2012 by the Numbers
How to Make a Fossil Rock
Winter Unit Study
Bible: my favorite subject to teach
Snow Ice Cream: Recipe Cruise
Pictures of our Homeschool Day
What are You Reading?
H is for Homeschooling Cheap
Homeschooling with Ants in their Pants
School Outside the Lines

5 Days of Teaching Creatively

5 Days of Fun Farm Science:


Blogging through the Alphabet:

A- is for Asia
B- is for Butterfly
C- is for Cabbage Burgers
D- is for Donut
E- is for Eggs
F- is for Fossil
G- is for Games, and Graduations
H- is for Hanukkah, and Homeschooling Cheap
I- is for Insect
K- is for Kindergarten
L- is for Living Things
M- is for Milk Fat Trick
O is for Ocean
P is for Practical Grace for the Homeshcooling Mom
R - is for Recipes
S is for Sunset
T is for Tortoise
V is for Van Gogh
X is for X-Ray
Z is for Zoology

join us?
Blogging Through the Alphabet

Back to Main Page

Grab a Button, to link back to these posts when referencing them!


  1. Love your blog & I am a new follower on google & netwoked blogs.Feel free to follow us too @


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