Today in My Father's World - Kindergarten - Wyatt is studying the letter O. "O" is for Ocean (long O) and Octopus (short o sound). I've been having him keep a scrap-book of each lesson, so we decided to make an:
Ocean on a Scrapbook Page
- 1/2 cup liquid hand soap
- blue food coloring
- glitter (optional)
- 8.5x11 cardstock paper
- foam sea creature stickers
- quart size storage bag
- clear packing tape
- In the quart size bag, pour the liquid soap, a few shakes of glitter, and about 4-5 drops of food coloring.
- Have your child create an ocean "teaming" with sea creatures on half of the cardstock sheet. (I drew a wavy line to show the half that needed filled.)
- Lay the quart size bag sideways on the page, to cover the sea creatures.
- Attach the bag to the page with long overlapping strips of packing tape, basically laminating it to the page.
Let heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and everything that moves in them.
Linked here:

I love that idea, looks like such fun. Tara.