
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 days of Thankfulness in November, Pt 1

Counting my blessings; new list to be posted every Wednesday this month... Gifts #326-337:

Nov. 1

  • A day of baking and making for a craft show. 
  • Thankful for the good things in our life we can share with others... like granola samples for some mom-friends!

Nov. 2

  • A trip to Denver and a wonderful time with my sister and her family, as well as my cousin, Kate, and our homeschool friends!

Nov. 3

  • A wonderful craft show, and hanging out with some of my Farmer's Market buddies.

Nov. 4

  • A morning spent in the nursery, snuggling babies
  • An afternoon with my Grandma. 
  • Writing out a birth story for a client. *warm fuzzies*

Nov. 5

  • A good meeting at the nursing home with my Grandma's wonderfully devoted caregivers. 
  • A fantastic afternoon of chatting with a friend who loves birth as much as I do. :)

Nov. 6

  • Voting freely! 
  • That God is still sovereign, no matter who our nation elects.
  • My hubby is so amazing, helped with the vacuuming, and cleaning up the yard!

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. 
Thankfulness Posts:


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  1. Found you again at Ann's link. I so admire your enthusiasm for homeschool, gardening, etc. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia (Your neighbor in Wyoming)

    1. Thank you! I am subscribed to your blog now as well! Blessings!


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