
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Garden Update, Early August 2012

I am still in the process of fixing my home computer, but in the mean time I have borrowed one from family. It is so wonderful to have a keyboard to type on instead of my smartphone! (which never makes me feel very smart)

What a different summer it has been from last year! The weather turned warm very early, and it has stayed that way all summer. Coupling that with very little rain, and the garden has been really struggling. My corn didn't come up at all, so my garden seems quite a bit smaller. I did not opt to take vegtables to the farmer's market this summer, so that was ok. We've been enjoying what we've been getting.

The cucumber/lettuce trellis experiment was a bust. The cukes didn't fare well and the guineas ate ALL of my lettuce. After that the dill and weeds took over and the grasshoppers finished it off. I am not complaining. The reason an experiment is called and experiment, is that it's trying something new that may or may not work. I've tilled the whole patch under and replanted fall lettuce and cabbage there, so hopefully it won't bea  wash. I do plan on putting up a screen to keep out the guineas, or give them away, whichever comes first.


The potatoes did well at first but struggled during the July heat and lack of rain. I've doubled my efforts to keep them nice and wet and I think they will come in fine. We have red and russet potatoes planted.

The tomatoes are coming up as bushes! They love this hot weather, so I'm thankful for that. We have only picked one so far. I see a nice crop of romas setting on and am envisioning lots of yummy salsa.

Here are a few more pictures of the garden, and I hope to get more posts up soon:



zinnia's and marigolds
The grapes are setting on VERY well and we look to harvest nearly FOUR times as much this year. Read about the benefits of pruning in this older post.



More about last year's garden:
2011 Garden Overview
2011 Tomatoes
2011 Cucumbers
2011 Spring Garden: Lettuce, Spinach, Onions, and Peas
2011 Green Beans
The 2011 Chickens

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