
My Life

About Me - Welcome page

The first thing you should know about me is that I am blessed to be redeemed by my God and King, through the blood of Christ His Son. I have no worth but in that identity alone, and I feel completely valuable and rich within it!

Born out West, but raised out East, I was a "city" girl with a desire to get back into the country. Originally, I  had moved here to get to know my grandparents. I have gotten to do that with all 4 of them, and still have one grandmother living, only 10 minutes away from us.

I've lived in rural Nebraska for 17 years now, and have enjoyed:

  • being happily married to my wonderful husband, Ben, for nearly 15 of them, 
  • called a "mommy" for 13 of them, 
  • homeschooling for 8 of them
  • and finally living the country life for the last 5 of them.

I'm going to let you in on a really big secret here, since you bothered to read my "about me" section... I'm not perfect. Nor is my marriage, my kids, my life, or my finances. Some of those are even more "imperfect" than others. Some of those are a big fat mess. But, I'm not a whiner, and my mom raised me to believe "if you can't say something nice, don't say it!" So here's the key when you're reading my blog and thinking "Wow, she's got it all together!" I don't! If you wonder where I'm struggling, notice what I'm NOT writing about, and feel free to pray for me. I always need it. :)

These are our adventures in serving God, living sacrificial love, homeschooling, parenting, gardening, and more. For easy navigation, my posts are divided onto pages, as you see on the tabs in the header above.

Hearth Life:

I think of the hearth as the heart of a home; the warmth of my kitchen as a tool for hospitality. 

So that page is where I will collect the posts about our home and hearth, and the daily goings on of our home-life. Such as:
  • Frugal Tips
  • Recipe Posts
  • DIY
  • Christmas and Holdays
  • General Home Life

Homeschool Life

Both my husband and I are home-school graduates, and we felt strongly God's call to educate our children at home. On that page I will try to gather my home-school posts and other useful links, including:

  • Curriculum Reviews
  • Blogging Through the Alphabet
  • School Year Summaries
  • Blog Cruises with the Schoolhouse Review Crew

Farm Life

Growing up in the Amish country-side, I thought I was rural enough . . . until I moved to a county where 84% of the rural roads were dirt.  As I'm new to "farm life" I am dabbling in ever larger dreams for my barn and garden. That page is where you will find my adventures into the simple life of living in God's creation, and getting closer to the food it provides us. Posts there are arranged by year, and cover topics like:

  • Gardening
  • Pruning 
  • Chicken Keeping
  • Rural Life
  • Creation Beauty

Heart Life

My Faith in God is central to my life, and I love to write about what He is teaching me. On that page you can read the thoughts my heart pours out, arranged by date.

I also love to count my blessings, and join Ann V. in the adventure of a lifetime: numbering each blessing from God individually. I've found that a heart of gratitude transforms how one takes in this life we live. Just as an artist finds more beauty in a scene, because they know how to look for the colors. . . this life unfolds before me, when I see it through these humble colored glasses.

  • My thought life journal, in chronological order.
  • Blessings counted, a life-long Joy Dare
  • Snapshot and a Scripture: a Sunday series I sometimes join.

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