
Sunday, October 28, 2012

October Blessings Pt. 5

(#289-316 )
holy experience

October 23rd: 3 Gifts Begun

  • A new Scripture memory goal
  • A new attitude towards my Doula role
  • A new season as the cool weather rolls in...

  • Also, a praise for a medical situation for one of the children being easily resolved. 
  • A fearful momma calmed by the Father who knows

October 24th: 3 Gifts Accomplished

  • A friend who had been waiting LONG, whose time was finally Accomplished!!!
  • Children's Scripture memory goals for the week: Accomplished!
  • Learning to lean on Him through extraordinary circumstances, for today: Accomplished! (I certainly wish I did not have to learn this daily!)

October 25th: 3 Gifts Enjoying

  • Fresh Snow
  • 4 wonderful annual checkup reports at the eye doctor
  • A delicious meal, prepared by a friend (Thank you Holly!!!)

October 26th: 3 Gifts Extravagant

  • God's grace towards me, always more extravagant than I deserve
  • A visit with my Grandma, always a treat
  • A night out with friends, a date with my hubby even!
  • A new recipe
  • Ben and Tyler went hiking/hunting
  • Great morning at home with my younger crew

October 27th: Humbling, Honoring, Happy

  • Humbling: a morning conversation
  • Honoring: sharing a birthday celebration
  • Happy: The Huskers beat Michigan! Made yummy snacks to celebrate football game night, even if it was only on the radio

October 28th: 3 Gifts in Christ

  • The Body of Christ, gathered in worship
  • In Christ, good byes are not forever
  • Food and Fellowship go hand in hand... :)

...the kids had blessings to add too:
  • Emma: Thankful for for my friend going to Germany to tell others about Jesus!
  • Tyler: Thankful we got to go swimming this week
  • Wyatt: Thankful for Get-well cards from his sisters. 
  • Mayda: Thankful for bedtime prayers


linked up at:
Grace Laced Mondays


Join us in counting our blessings? Over at A Holy Experience...



  1. This post makes me smile. Thank you for sharing. I love His constant reminder that we are not in charge of the plans. He is! You have so many blessings to enjoy, including that beautiful snow! Thank you for linking up!

  2. Thanks for linking up- so many blessings, so little time! ;)

    Have a great week!

  3. Thanks for stopping by today. Thanks for sharing your blessings!

  4. Lovely list of blessings. I like how you organize your days. Snow already? Wow? And memorizing Scripture. How wonderful. I will try to link with my wordpress blog. It doesn't always work with Blogger. Here goes.

    1. Yes, one year our first snow was Oct 1st and our last snow was May 12th! Crazy! Thanks for your sweet comments, Jan!


  5. I am not sure where my comment went. I linked via I will try via google. Here is my comment.
    Lovely list of blessings. I like how you organize your days. Snow already? Wow? And memorizing Scripture. How wonderful. I will try to link with my wordpress blog. It doesn't always work with Blogger. Here goes.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words! I apologize for the confusion, but my comments are moderated due to some trouble I had when I first started this blog back in January. Going much better now!

      Thanks for coming by!

  6. Snow! It's predicted to be a sunny 72 degrees in Texas today. It makes me smile to know there is pretty snow elsewhere. I'm visiting today from the Playdates list. Abundant grace in Jesus to keep leaning on Him in circumstances both ordinary and extraordinary.

  7. Such lovely blessings! Thank you for linking them up with Playdates with God this week.


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