
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lemon Bars

Last night we attended a lovely going away party for some friends of ours who are going to Germany to serve with Cadence International. We were so thankful to get to know them while they were here preparing for the Lord's plans and perfect timing... and we will really miss them! But we are really excited to see all that God will do through them as they minister to our troops in Germany. If you're not familiar with Cadence, I encourage you to read their "About" Page:

"Cadence International is an evangelical mission agency dedicated to reaching the military communities of the United States and of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ."

And if the Lord lays it on your heart to help the Scotts, please do!


So, I had been trying to figure out what to bake for the party that afternoon, and I was real need of getting to the grocery store, but without enough time to do both. I happened upon this recipe for Easy Lemon Bars, but i was missing a few of the ingredients, so I changed it... quite a bit. :)

They were a hit! So here's the recipe for you:

Laura's Lemon Bars

  • One lemon cake mix
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1 egg
Mix these three items and reserve one cup of this dough before pressing in a 9x13 baking dish and baking at 350 until puffed for a crust. Don't quite let it brown, since it will bake again.
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup yogurt (I used home-made)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1 egg
  • and 1/2 cup of reserved dough (save the last 1/2 cup for topping)

Blend this and pour over par-baked crust. 

  • 1/2 cup reserved dough
  • 1/4 cup flour

Mix until crumbly and sprinkle over as a top layer. Bake until golden brown around the edges, cool and cut into squares; drizzle with vanilla almond bark.

PS: just so you know, posts currently in the works for this coming week:
  • Curriculum Review: My Father's World - Kindergarten
  • Bread Recipe
  • Acorn Squash Recipes
  • October Blessings Pt. 5


The Chicken Chick

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