
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Exciting things going on with our homeschool...

I'ts been a whole year since I  stepped out from the TOS Review crew. It was a a great experience for me, and such a learning time! If you click my homeschool link above you'll see, we did a LOT of great reviews. Being a part of the crew helped me get to be more excited about blogging, and about the newest and greatest homeschool curriculum. I would have never looked into Nodgrass history or downloadable unit studies from Homeschool in the Woods, had the crew not been there to introduce me.

But truly the greatest part of my year of reviews was being part of the Crew itself, an amazing bunch of 200 bloggers who worked hard together to accomplish something that was logistically huge! The leadership team lived across the entire country, but accomplished massive efforts via online collaboration. This is what inspired the adventure I'm currently wrapped up in.

Last summer a few of my homeschool mom friends began to meet and discuss what it would look like to start a Faith-based homeschool co-operative for our kids. Between us we had about 30 kids who could benefit from joint classes such as choir, art, and PE. So we planned the summer away, and then began an online collaboration, since we felt as far flung as the TOS leadership team (across the county may as well be across the nation). This proved to be incredibly efficient, and we were each able to use the special skills and talents God had given us. One to assign the classes, one to correspond with and recruit teachers, one to build forms and manage data, one to write newsletters, one to manage set up logistics, and so on. And we began to PRAY. Hard. Together. Online and in person we prayed and planned, planned and prayed.

Mammoth Hot Springs
When we opened the online registration I was on vacation. I was out of cell range in Yellowstone Park. We drove into Mammoth Hot Springs to do a bit of sightseeing, and my cell signal picked up. My phone started buzzing like crazy. My messages said that my little co-op science class was already at 36 students... and did I want to set a maximum? WOW! We had hoped for 30 students total, spread among the classes... we ended up with over 80. This semester we have almost 100, in 34 classes over a whole day every other week. We also have 4 private music instructors booked with lessons all day. This semester we added a mentor mom on campus for our co-op day, to pray with and encourage the new homeschool moms.

What an adventure this is! And what a gift! To be working closely with other Christian families to see God glorified in our efforts. I am so blessed! We will see how it goes. Expect a review  or two soon of some of the curriculum we are using in our co-op.

Holy Land Geography

Virtual Field Trip

my Tyler is getting guitar lessons!


©2012-2013 Loving and Learning on the High Plains. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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