
Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Holidays, a great time to start a new job with the Post Office

Still trying to get my feet under me at my new job, I realized this week that I've been there for 4 and a half months. I'm starting to get the hang of my little PO. I'm the postmaster relief so in a sink or swim kind of fashion I find myself working extra hard at figuring things out or finding out who can help me get it right. This week I had one of the other postmasters stop over and show me some procedures that helped me out a LOT. Overall I'm really liking working for the Postal Service. It certainly helps that I love stamps. I have been a stamp collector since I was a kid. It's all I can do not to buy everything that comes across my desk!

It was really fun to get going at Christmas, seeing all the great packages coming and going. For Christmas we held an open house and my stamp collection was the "historical display":

In the process of getting everything ready to display I got to reading a bunch of the old postcards in my collection. My grandma had given me them when I began collecting, years ago, but only now do I understand their sweet notes and the name and places mentioned. It was a fun adventure going through them again. I hope we never give up on the written word. Emails are just so much less of a memory, and I doubt we will ever print them up and put them in an album. Because of this realization I've made a list of all the birthdays of all my nieces and nephews and all of my siblings and our missionaries and their families. I plan to send each one a card, and, or course, I've bought lots of COOL stamps to go on each one.

I even gave stamps as Christmas gifts this year. I can tell this may be getting out of hand. My little PO is now just a 2-hour office (it had been 6 hours a day), and yet the stamp sales are higher than last year. I hope that's not all me. ;)

I can see that I'm sort of meandering here so I think I'll wrap things up as quickly as I can. I am thankful for this week:

  • my husband being home from a two week trip
  • my kids being healthier
  • the weather being milder
  • the animals all behaving, as I happily watch my free range chickens outside the window right now
  • Sunshine coming through my window
  • clean curtains
  • good smelling laundry
  • charts filling up with stickers
  • getting caught up with projects at work
  • friends that I get to see more frequently
  • Good books, more than I could possibly read any given time
  • Almost finished reading through my Bible and its complete entirety, a project which took me almost two and a half years even though I had attempted to do it in one.
  • Getting all of our taxes done and discovering that the granola business, the doula business, and a little bit of side construction work... actually all was worthwhile this year
  • Being invited to lots of 1st birthday parties for some of my doula babies from the busy spring that I had last year
  • Nearly finishing my Awana book, which will be the third book that I have endeavoured to do while the kids are in Awana as well
  • Discovering how much we love leeks and going through two bundles of them thanks to Bountiful Baskets, recipes forthcoming.

So. Many. Blessings.

And grace, always, grace.

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