
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Half way through

I'm not gone.

I'm just taking a break. A "breather." A moment to indulge in my family. January has become my "less computer time month". I envy my sweet mom-friend who can get a whole month of no-screens in January.

I'll be back in February. And I'll gladly catch you up on the fun we've been having:
Snow ball fights
Out of Town company
New experiences
Birthday celebrations

But right now I'm just enjoying living it. Blogging it will come. -LL

In the mean time, something I enjoyed reading today:

A Letter to Myself:

"I don't know how it will turn out in the end. But I do know that I will wake up tomorrow excited to be my children's mother. Eager to learn and explore with them. At peace with the little world I've created for us all to learn and grow in. It's all helped me become a better person. I think that's been the biggest surprise about this whole thing. That homeschooling isn't only a good thing for kids. It's great for mamas too."

©2012-2013 Loving and Learning on the High Plains. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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