
Monday, September 2, 2013

Garden Highlight: Four O'Clocks

Each week I want to post a picture of what is blooming and describe it as "my favorite flower", because, truthfully, whatever is blooming is my favorite flower!

This reminds me so much of the seasons of life. The friend I am blessed to be with in this moment is my favorite friend. The sibling who is visiting me in this moment is my favorite sibling (and the one who visited last month, and last winter, etc. I have 6 of them!). The stage of life my kids are in is MY  FAVORITE AGE! (I'm still working on feeling that way about 12 years old, but I'm coming around). I remember feeling that way about the terrible twos, about the trying threes, and the sleepless infant nights.

Twos: They weren't terrible; they were busy and exciting!
Threes: They weren't trying; they were inquisitive. "Why?!" x 1000
Sleepless nights = prayerful pauses
My new 12er's adventures into young adult feelings and emotions are interesting, as my kids become my companions instead of my co-dependents. (if you invite the definition from the wiki "often involves placing a lower priority on one's own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others." Sound like motherhood?)

I was reminded of this truth this week as I studied through a chapter of "A Woman after God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George, which I am reading with my mentor (a true Titus 2 woman who is discipling me). Elizabeth George, in chapter 12, describes a woman who really encouraged her: Betty. She would say "What age are your kids? Oh, that's such a wonderful age!" I loved that. How important to focus on the wonderful blessings our kids are and not the trials that we could so easily bemoan (potty training, tempers, and beginnings of hormones...)

Prov 10:12b "love covers all transgressions."

Of course, I can say that. I'm in the sweet spot. ;)


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