My favorite part about spring here on the plains is the dramatic transformation from brown (and I mean everything, even my "ever-green" Rocky Mountain Cedars turn brown!) to GREEN. A month ago we were having our last snow storm, and now everything is green and growing. We have had some good rain, and even our corn field is sprouting. This week I finished planting the last of my garden, while the things I planted first begin to really shoot up.
We always plant radishes in the first round, just because they grow so fast. In only 4 weeks they are nearly big enough to harvest. My peas are finally up (maybe too late), and the lettuce is looking good! We've had unseasonable cool weather, so the lettuce is actually happy. Most years in June I'm already worried the heat will cause it to "bolt". My asparagus is feathered out, and the green onions are thick. The potatoes are finally above ground, and should be ready for hilling in a couple more weeks.
Also sprouting:
- broccoli
- beets
- second round of radishes
- garlic
- corn
- beans
This week we planted from seed:
- cucumbers
- cabbage
- watermelon
- pumpkins (3 kinds)
- cantaloupe
- more corn
New plants from the garden center:
- Peppers: Anaheim, Santa Fe, jalapeno, habanero
- Tomatoes: cherry, early girl, bush, and roma.
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