
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Frugal Tip and Recipe: Home Made Pancake Syrup

I want everyone to note, I did not say "maple syrup"! I had a friend from "up north" who bristled every time someone referred to pancake syrup (made with sugar and flavoring) as maple syrup. Back east in PA, when we attended the Pennsylvania State Fair, we saw lots of authentic maple syrup. We even had maple ice cream made with it, and there was maple sugar cotton candy. YUM!

Like local honey, the stuff is awesome, but pricey! I love my honey, but I'll skimp on the syrup. So I make home-made syrup, hot and fresh, when I make waffles or pancakes. Here's the recipe my mom used, and (I am told) hubby's mom too:

Home-Made Pancake Syrup

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup corn syrup
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp maple flavoring
Combine the first four ingredients in a sauce pan. Bring to a rolling boil, while stirring constantly. Boil for one full minute, then remove from heat. Add flavoring after removing from heat, but use caution, as it will boil rapidly when added. It will be runny while hot, but thicker upon cooling. If, after it cools, it is not thick enough for you, boil longer the next time you make it. I prefer mine thick, so I boil for about 2 minutes.

Yield: a bit more than 2 cups.


Frugal Family 2013 

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  1. I am going to make this with my kids! I know they will love it! Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday!" I hope you will be able to join us again this week. :-)


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