
Thursday, December 13, 2012

meeting new friends!

I am connecting up with all my new friends on the TOS CREW, and I encourage you to as well.

If you want to follow the Crew on Twitter, here's a link to our crew group feed:
This makes it so you can follow all of the members with one subscription, or go to the member list to follow each one. :)

Here are a few new ones I've "followed" this week. It is definitely not everyone, but a start. If they had a blog button, I grabbed it. :)





Life at Rossmont

 Bow of Bronze

Krazy Kuehner Days




Shepherding Kind Hearts

Ok, I'm out of time for today, but there are a LOT more crew members to visit! I'll be sharing more soon, but this was a taste to get you linked up. Enjoy!

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