
Monday, December 10, 2012

Chicken Drama

Friday morning hubby went out to do some work in the shop and went around back to check on something. Behind the shop we keep bales of fencing for the farm, and they are stacked up sideways. He realized some of our free range chickens had been messing around there (and sometimes they hide eggs in the weeds back there) but this time one had gotten stuck in the roll of fence! And then another had seemingly followed her in there... and then another... and  here he discovered 3 chickens STUCK!  It was a Rhode Island Red on each end, with a Black Star in the middle. Crazy things.

We had to unroll the entire thing to get them out, and my heart just broke for them! We have about 34 chickens, so we don't always count heads when we shut the barn for the night. By the number of eggs stuck in the roll, I think they had been stuck there for about 2 days. The third chicken seemed to be in pretty good shape, and I'm assuming she was a latecomer to the party. The middle one had the "runs" when she started eating and drinking, but 24 hours later seems fine. I'm pretty worried about the first one in though. Her back end was much attacked by the chicken stuck in the middle (right behind her). Poor baby!

So she is inside for the weekend. Yes, in my house, in a pet carrier, on some pine-shavings to recover. I spoil my chickies. :)

Needless to say, we plan on storing all the fence rolls upright now...

The Chicken Chick


  1. Oh no! I never imagined such a thing! I look forward to hearing how the convalescing chicken recovers. I imagine those three will never trust a fence roll again!


    1. She's much better, and returned to the flock today!

  2. Well, it ended better than I thought it would! :>) I'm glad to see the last missus is recouperating inside - she deserves a bit of extra TLC.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. She's much better, and returned to the flock today! Thanks for your sweet thoughts. :) How are you by the way? How the new lil man?

  3. Yikes. I'm glad it worked out for all involved. Close call.

    Thanks for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop- lots of chicken drama this week for some reason. :/

    -Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. She's much better, and returned to the flock today!


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