
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Good day to be good and tired.

Today was one of the last indoor winter farmer's markets. (There will be one more.) It was so warm outside that I think people were too busy raking cornhusks out of their flower beds to come shop. Being a slow day meant I had more time to visit with other vendors. It was so fun to see everyone. I had a customer ask if it was worth all that work *gesturing to my table of baked goods* for what I made at the market. My mind fluttered through the 10 hours I spent baking, kneading dough until nearly midnight for a new "cuban" bread to offer (which no one bought... sad for the customers who lost out, but my family is thrilled they get to eat it all).... and I told her, "I don't make much, but it's worth it. I love being here!"

I had another vendor tell me that hanging around with my kids was the highlight of their market season. :) And the kids love it too: sampling new things, helping me bake, and visiting with customers. Yep, it's a fun crowd to hang around. I'll miss them all come May.

I'm tired, but it's a good tired. Hubby's tired too. He put a new motor in his work vehicle: his motorcycle. :) In and out in 10 hours must be a new record. I'm super proud of his hard work. And I'm very happy he'll be taking that to work and I'll have my van back. So tonight we grilled chicken and ate it on salad greens from the farmer's market (with bread and butter thanks to my slow sales day). It was a good day.

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